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Cotton Pads Set

AU $17.00

The perfect set for taking off and touching up. The perfect manicure is all about the little things.

    Best used with

    Aluminum FoilAluminum Foil
    AU $17.00

    This high-quality rip-proof foil is designed to make your life easier, as we all know that removal is our least favourite part of becoming your own nail artist. Simply cut, wrap and you are good to go.

    Gel Removal ToolGel Removal Tool
    AU $23.00

    This doubled ended tool is a must have for both gel removal and cuticle cleaning. Features a bladed scraper, scooped cuticle pusher and non-slip grooved handle.


    Not Tested on AnimalsDesigned in Canada, Made in China

    What's in the set?

    Gel Touch-Up PadsGel Removal Pads


    Become Your Own Nail Artist

    Explore our step-by-step video tutorial below for visual guidance, or enhance your skillset by downloading our comprehensive manicure instruction booklet.

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    For more detailed instructions on how to use Gelcare products, check out our dedicated Instructions Page.

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    1.  Push your Cuticles Back

    Apply Cuticle Softener to the cuticles. This enzymatic solution softens the skin around the nails to facilitate a gentler and deeper clean. Push the cuticle back using the arched end of the Gel Removal Tool.

    2.  Double Cleanse Your Cuticles

    This step is unique to the Gelcare technique. With the bladed end of your Gel Removal Tool, use small circular motions to dislodge any dry skin stuck under the cuticles. If needed, add more Cuticle Softener to the nails to help loosen the skin further when executing this step.

    3.  Buff Your Nails

    Buffing not only smoothes the nail surface, it allows for better Base Coat adhesion by creating a subtle texture on the surface of the nails.

    4.  File Your Nails

    Using the more abrasive side (100) of the Curved Nail File, we want to file the excess skin on the sides of the nails first, which often causes the gel to lift. To do this, sit file in the crease of the lateral fold and file gently. Apply pressure towards the side of the nail and not downwards, which can cause paper cuts.

    5.  Wash Your Hands

    Wash your hands with soap and water. Using the Nail Scrubber Brush, scrub over and under your nails. Washing your hands also prepares the skin for the next step: cuticle trimming. When the skin is damp, the cuticles soften and become translucent, making them easier to trim.

    6.  Trim Your Cuticles

    If necessary, trim off excess cuticles with the Cuticle Nipper. Make sure to always look between the blades so you know exactly where you are about to cut. For a clean trim, use the tip of the blades and gently cut the cuticle in one long piece. If cutting your cuticles scares you, skip this step!

    7.  Apply the Base Coat

    On one nail at a time, apply an even layer of Base Coat and immediately set your application by curing the gel under the LED Lamp for 5 seconds. If you do not set the gel, the application will not be as precise.

    Once the base is applied and set on all nails, cure for 60 seconds under the LED Lamp. Ensure you slide your hand all the way into the lamp and that your middle finger reaches the embossed trackpad.

    8.  Apply the Colour

    Apply 3 thin layers of colour. Cure each layer for 60 seconds under the LED Lamp.

    Make sure to work with only a small amount of gel on your brush for a flawless application. Use the sides of the bottleneck to wipe off any excess gel. Start by applying the colour to the centre of the nail. Slide the gel up towards the cuticles without touching them. With long and fluid strokes, glide the gel down the sides of the nail to the tip.

    9.  Apply the Top Coat

    Apply a layer of Top Coat. Cure for 3 minutes under the LED Lamp.

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